Aplicación de mantenimiento de tableta v2
Aplicación de mantenimiento de tableta v2
¿Tienes problemas de conexión o todas tus plantillas personalizadas han desaparecido después de una actualización de reMarkable?
Nuestro software te permite ajustar tu reMarkable para que siga funcionando de la forma prevista. ¿Estás cansado de reinstalar tus plantillas después de cada actualización reMarkable? Restaure su configuración anterior con solo hacer clic en un botón.
Incluye las siguientes características:
Esta suite ofrece una variedad de mejoras para optimizar el rendimiento de su dispositivo:
- Asegure una conectividad WiFi y USB perfecta.
- Recupere almacenamiento valioso eliminando archivos innecesarios del sistema.
- Restaura tus plantillas sin esfuerzo si alguna vez se eliminan.
- Solucione y resuelva cualquier problema de visualización con plantillas o contraseñas en su tableta.
Compatible con todos los principales sistemas operativos
requiere un sistema operativo de 64 bits
requiere que su red y su computadora estén configurados para admitir protocolos ssh estándar.
Money Back Gaurantee
Money Back Gaurantee
Helpful Tips
In what format are our templates and screens created?
In what format are our templates and screens created?
Our templates and screens are designed as non-transparent PNG images, sized at 1404 x 1872 pixels. To maintain low file sizes, we produce these images at a resolution of 72 dpi.
What hardware do I need to run your apps?
What hardware do I need to run your apps?
You will need an Apple or Windows computer connected via USB or Wi-Fi. Make sure to use a USB-C cable that supports data transfer, as not all cables are compatible.
Do you have walkthrough videos for your apps?
Do you have walkthrough videos for your apps?
You can find more help by watching our videos here.
What are the differences between your apps?
What are the differences between your apps?
eInkPads Template Installer
Easily install custom templates on your reMarkable tablet with a user-friendly interface, no technical expertise required.
reMarkable Desktop App (Binder)
Manage your reMarkable tablet from your computer. Install Templates, Customize Screens, Sync files, organize documents, and transfer content seamlessly.
Screen Personalizer (Splash)
Customize your tablet screens with personal information, logos, or photos. Ensure your tablet stands out and includes return information in case it’s lost.
Tablet Maintenance App
Keep your tablet running smoothly with this all-in-one maintenance tool. Optimize performance, manage storage, and perform regular system checks effortlessly.
You can find a complete breakdown of the differences of each one of our apps here.
Everything Guaranteed to work on all versions of the reMarkable Tablet